Final Stats

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Our trip to the South is complete.  We had good weather, and saw a lot of wonderful sights.  We also covered 2 of the 4 states we were missing in our quest for the lower 48.

About the only thing unplanned was the slight re-routing due to Tropical Storm Beryl.  Overall, I would call the trip a success.

With this trip completed, we are down to only 2 remaining states, Nevada and California.  Our ride in August will take care of those.  Keep an eye out here for more details as August approaches.

Here is our final map for the trip. This map includes the complete route from actual GPS track files. Like other google maps, you can zoom, pan, and change map type. 


The final route mileage was 2852 miles. 

Here are some interesting (and some, not so interesting) stats from our 2012 Southern Trip.

Fuel/Mileage -

Other Stats -