June 6 Day 10


Where are Tom and Lennie Now? -Click Here For Our Current Location

Be sure you check out the page from yesterday as well.  You can find it here....


Our plans for today were to see the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, and then head to Springdale, Utah near Zion National Park for the night.  We will actually spend the entire day tomorrow at Zion.



The North Rim visitor center has a really neat lodge, with a huge room on the rear that sits right on the canyon edge.  The photo below was taken right from the lodge.



The North Rim is very different from the South Rim.  Far fewer visitors, much harder to reach, and fewer overlook areas.  The North Rim is much less commercialized.


Below is a cool photo.  It is a rock outcropping that you can walk out on, and it forms a sort of natural bridge with the hole in the formation.



If you look, you can see the Colorado River through the hole (look near the bottom of the hole).



This next photo was taken from the rock outcropping shown above.  The colors in this area of the canyon were really neat.



After leaving the North Rim, we had about 200 more miles to cover to get near Zion.  So, we killed time by doing the hokey pokey... you put your right leg in, you put your right leg out...  ???  Perhaps we are just easily amused?



We will spend all day tomorrow at Zion, but got a sneak peak as we passed through a small portion of the park to get to our hotel for the night.


The rock formations and colors are MUCH different here than at the canyon.  There are a lot of lighter colored, almost white formations.



Entering the park from the East, you drive through a pretty winding area with many narrow passageways.



You can see in the photo below, the steep grades, and switchbacks as you enter into the park.



Right near the visitor center, I stopped at a stop sign to turn left.  I looked to my left, and saw a small deer (looked like a baby) standing right on the edge of the road.  The deer could not have been more than 4 feet from me.  By the time Lennie turned the camera on, the deer wandered off the side of the road to join his buddy.  These guys were only about 10 feet from us when Lennie took the photo.  They did not care at all that we were nearby.



Tomorrow should be a great day wandering around Zion.



On our way to Zion, we passed through the town of Kanab, Utah.  Coming into town, the speed limit quickly drops from 65 down to 30.  There was a police car parked right where the speed limit changes.  I thought we were nabbed, but the car never moved.



If you look closer, you'll see why.  He must not have noticed me speeding by, boy is that cop a dummy...



Below is a view of the route from today.  We covered 244 miles, bringing our trip total so far to 3369 miles.