Day-11 Sep-15-09

Today we headed back home from Utica NY. It was a 353 mile ride, which took us about 6.5 hours, including stops. The entire ride was on route 90, so we did not bother to take any pictures :)

Since Rt 90 is a toll road all through NY, we decided to invest in an EZ-Pass tag. We picked one up at a local grocery store in Utica and stuck it on our windshield. It works great, just drive right on through the toll booths, no stopping, no putting your feet down into an inch thick oil slick, no fumbling for change while trying to control the bike!! You just use the online feature to add money to your card, and the tolls are automatically deducted as you drive through the booths. You also get a little bit of a discount on the tolls this way. The pass is good in most states in the north east US, including Ohio (starting October 1st).