Final Stats

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Sadly, our trip to the Northwest is complete.  We had a great time, saw a lot of wonderful sights, and had reasonably good weather.

Here are just a few of the things we encountered along the way - Chicago traffic, toll booths, flooding, oil workers, snow, mountain passes, waterfalls, road construction, chip-n-seal work, customs, windmills, bear, elk, bison, pronghorn, mountain goats, burros, our first flat tire, great national parks, William and Kate (well, almost), geysers, bee stings, and some fantastic twisty roads.  


Lennie enjoyed the trip as well, and gave the following response to the sights of the Northwest...

Here is our final map for the trip. This map includes the complete route from actual GPS track files. Like other google maps, you can zoom, pan, and change map type. 


The final route mileage was 6675 miles. 

Here are some interesting (and some, not so interesting) stats from our 2011 Northwest Trip.

Fuel/Mileage -

Other Stats -